
This is a pretty easy level, except it may run a little bit slower than other levels (on slower computers). The key to this level are the different keys. This is just a straight out level. When I mention 1stcar, or 4th left door, I mean when you first enter the boxcar. You're in the 1st car. At the end of each paragraph there will be a listing of all the key doors in a boxcar.

To start off, after killing off the guys, go to the 3rd door on the left, where there is a shotgun. Next, go to the 4th door on the left, where there is the iron key and a guy. Not much here. Time to move on. 1st right - iron key needed. 2nd right - iron key needed. 2nd left - steel key needed (inside are 3 medical bags and 3 canteens).

In the 2nd car, there isn't much to do except on the 4th right door to acquire the steel key. If you want, go back to the first car, 2nd left and refill your life. 2nd left - iron key. 4th right - iron key (steel inside). 4th left - brass key (crowbar inside).

After the 2nd car, you will encounter a flat bed with a couple of guys, nothing else. Just don't walk off the edge, or you'll die (unless you cheat :-) ).

In the 3rd car is nothing but guys. No doors, just racks.

In the 4th car, most of the doors have guys in them. This is the beginning of an increase of guys, as you advance down the boxcars. I advise you not to enter any of the doors, unless it's necessary. The 2nd right door has an elixir bottle, just in case. 1st right - steel. 4th left - steel. 4th right - brass (insde are medical bags and an elixir).

In the 5th car, there is a bunch of guys and an elixir at the end for you hard work. Blow them away. When you exit, you will enter the 2nd flat bed. I advise you to stand where you are and kill the guys. DON'T MOVE FORWARD. There will be guys on top of the 5th car, just waiting to get you. There will be a guy on the far end, use your rifle. Once you're ready and healed up, turn around, adjust your mouse to have the crosshair point up, and walk backwards. Get ready to use your rifle on these guys. Once that's done, get the sheriff's badge and if you want, get the medical bags on top of the 5th car.

Into the 6th car you will find many guys in doors, sometimes 3 to a room (aren't they clausterphobic?). The 3rd left door requires the steel key, but you'll get the brass key. Go back to the 2nd car, where in the 4th left door is the crowbar. Use the crowbar at the end door of the 6th car. Get out your most powerful gun ready to fight the boss. 1st right - steel key, ammo present. 3rd right - steel key. If you have it, a sawed-off shotgun would be good, since the ensuing fight will be in close quarters. If not, you can use a knife. Although I haven't tried, you can maybe light a stick of dynamite, open the door, throw the dynamite, and close the door. It's risky, but it might work.

This is the last car. Once you open the door, the boss, whom takes the form of a conductor shoots at you. He carries a mean pistol, so be careful. If you have a sawed off, use it. Make sure you duck down. If you have a knife, duck and stab. He can take several hits. The 1st left door has a light boiler plate. The 3rd right has 2 civilians. If you want to kill them. On the 4th right, there is ammo. On the 4th left, there is a medical bag, just like the 5th left door. Open the end door and watch the nice cutscene.

Roger Tan

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